1:32 pm
[...] “The evidence is clear. Whenever we finally do break our fast for the day, we should eat like predators: a complete meal, full of complete protein and delicious, nutritious animal fat.(Coconut oil is [...]
12:04 am
I like your site and your articles very much but I think this part is just silly:
"any man who thinks you’re “too muscular” because you don’t look like a heroin addict is weak, insecure, and not worth your time."
Is any man who doesn't like obese women weak and insecure? Is any man who doesn't like skinny women weak and insecure?
If a man doesn't like a woman because she is too muscular then of course he isn't worth her time, because he won't be pursuing her.
What if women don't like muscular men? Are they just weak and insecure? What if the man truly is too muscular to be attractive?
In the real world what men actually like the heroin addict look? We know homosexual designers in New York like the look but I've never met a man in real life who likes that look.
Please don't take as a personal attack, I truly do like your articles very much. Thank you for putting in the time.
12:56 am
I think it would just be a better world if men liked women and women liked men and we didn't treat dating, mating, and marriage like a shopping excursion.
Guys went for me all the time in my late teens and early twenties. I'm no great beauty, but they did anyway. I was slender.
I did not remain slender. No one looks at me now.
I'm the same person. I really don't get it. A few of them were even sufficiently besotted to propose to me. They would not ask that same question now, most of them.
If all you want is looks then don't be surprised if you lose a leg in a car wreck and she leaves you because you don't look normal anymore. It is the exact same thing.
And don't tell me "health." There are slender women walking around treating themselves like crap, candidates for metabolic syndrome and all the stuff that comes after. I used to be one of them. Hello. *waves* It's nothing to do with health or you would judge a woman's fitness for your affections by the composition of her diet, and refuse to date anyone who eats potato chips and drinks soda. How many people do you know of either gender who would make a dating judgment like that? No, I don't know many either.
3:20 am
February 22, 2010

I'm not sure you understand the pressure young women put on themselves to look like the (Photoshopped) pictures in glamor magazines. I'm trying to get across to them that (as you say) the only people who really want them to look like that are gay fashion designers -- the same people whose male ideal is a hairless, prepubescent boy with giant steroid muscles.
First impressions are hard to shake. People judge you (and I) long before they speak a word to us -- or, very often, choose not to speak to us.
3:57 pm
Love Love Love it. Passed it to my 17 year old who is eating paleo because I am - She laughed out loud and got the point.
Question: Our Health Insurance requires us to have annual physicals inclduing blood tests. I had blood tests done about 20 days into eating Paleo and the results were as follows:
5' 2" now 146 (yeah!) want to go to 135 or better but am fully bought into feeling good anyway.
cholesterol total 177
HDL 39
LDL 111
Triglycerides 133
Ratio ldl to total 4.5
all above considered good except HDL.
Glucose 93
I will be having my annual physical end of the month and would appreciate any advice as to what tests to request from my doctor - I assume in addition to the above.
so my HDL/Tri number would be .3 not what you are looking for I think. Thoughts on what I should do to improve it.
My "cheats" are generally the odd glass of wine or beer, we have a social life and these are the hard ones to skip for me.
9:24 pm
Hi JS,
"I'm not sure you understand the pressure young women put on themselves to look like the (Photoshopped) pictures in glamor magazines. I'm trying to get across to them that (as you say) the only people who really want them to look like that are gay fashion designers — the same people whose male ideal is a hairless, prepubescent boy with giant steroid muscles."
The pressure on women has nothing to do with my point. You said only an insecure man doesn't like a woman for how she looks, that is inaccurate. It takes a secure man, as it takes a secure woman, to know exactly what he wants. If a man is not physically attracted to a muscular woman, or a fat woman, or a skinny woman how could that possibly make him insecure?
If these women do face pressure to be thin (like most of the worlds female population is)it is disingenuous to tell them it is the fault of insecure men. Let's use Dana as an example:
"Guys went for me all the time in my late teens and early twenties. I’m no great beauty, but they did anyway. I was slender.
I did not remain slender. No one looks at me now."
Is that the fault of insecure men? To say to her "you're fine the way you are, it's HIS fault" would be a bald-faced lie. If men don't like you because you're too large then it very clearly is your fault. We shouldn't be giving these women excuses - they should be held accountable and take responsibility for their own actions.
Dana -
You have read this article. You know what makes people fat. You know what type of food promotes health. There is no earthly reason you should not be doing something about it.
I didn't quite understand the last paragraph of your response but I will say that no, I would not date a woman who ate potato chips and soda because that sends a clear message that she does not care about her health or her (eventual) appearance. A woman worthy of respect is one her treats her body right, not one who regularly eats poison. A woman's diet is just as important as her physical beauty and her attitude (or in fairy-tale world her 'inner beauty'). What you perhaps don't understand is that outward beauty is a manifestation of your inner beauty. If the outer is lacking then that is a clear indicator of something lacking on the inside. For instance: understanding the cause of obesity yet doing nothing about it.
Yin and yang. A person is not attractive because half of them is good. A person is attractive if the whole is good.
12:15 am
February 22, 2010

If you want to raise your HDL, coconut oil is the quickest way to do it, with other saturated fats coming in second place. (And it has other health benefits, too.) I use and recommend this stuff for cooking: it's refined, so it won't make everything taste like coconuts, but it's not chemically bleached or deodorized.
(The problem is, of course, that raising your HDL raises your total cholesterol...so if your insurance penalizes you for having "high cholesterol" (which means they are idiots, because for women the correlation is basically nonexistent) you may have to be careful.)
Yes, you definitely want to get your TG down, because that's very strongly correlated with whether your LDL is small and dense (bad) or big and fluffy (good). You want it under 100, under 80 if possible, to give yourself some margin. The easiest way to lower TG is to eat less carbohydrates.
Therefore: less carbs, more coconut oil.
If you really want to know what's going on, get your doctor to request a VAP cholesterol panel, which will actually measure your LDL (instead of just giving you an "imputed" number, e.g. a guess based on a formula) and which will tell you what your LDL size distribution is. It doesn't matter if you have "high LDL" (to a point) if it's all big and fluffy.
(The other problem is that lowering your TG makes your "LDL" higher according to the guess they make based on a formula! So by lowering your TG, you're raising your LDL number! If your TG are low but your "LDL" (i.e. their big fat guess) is high, definitely request a VAP test.)
I made a value judgment. It's not a value judgment about a particular body type: lifting weights gives you muscle tone, but it doesn't automatically make you gain muscle mass. (Some people gain mass very easily, some are "hard gainers".) You can be very skinny and still have muscle tone, which is what I'm talking about.
I've never known anyone who actually liked the zero-muscle-tone heroin-addict look in the flesh: it can photograph very well, but when you see that there's nothing holding those pipestems together as she moves, well...
The problem is that many women, particularly young women, think that look is what most men want to see because they're continually exposed to it in magazines!
If you disagree with that value judgment, that's fine.
5:07 am
Many thanks for including me on the resources list. I feel very humbled to be in such distinguished company.
9:50 pm
BOYS who only like skinny, weak women are weak pussies themselves. No one likes weaklings except other weaklings.
Strong MEN like strong women.
Form follows function. Ladies: Train to move as fast as possible, jump as high as possible, lift as heavy as possible and you will look the best.
1:52 pm
February 22, 2010

I periodically revise the list. Keep writing excellent posts and you'll stay on it 😀
Strength attracts strength.
4:26 am
[...] Paleo Corner – ’Eat like a predator, not like prey’ – Paleo In Six Easy Steps, A Motivational G... [...]
11:34 am
[...] Here is the website where we read “Eat like a predator, not like prey.” [...]
12:23 pm
[...] take a look at this: Paleo in 6 easy steps) Share and [...]
7:12 pm
[...] one thing for sure, and that’s that I sure do eat often. I really like the idea of eating like a predator, but I find myself grazing. One solution might be to eat bigger meals, but eating a big meal [...]
2:36 pm
[...] single most useful principle I have relied upon is J Stanton’s Eat Like A Predator, Not Like Prey - eat meat and vegetables, not cereals and seeds; do not “graze” and do not drink your [...]
5:37 pm
Don't eat people; they are full of toxic sludge and besides it's probably illegal where you live. So, even if you think you can handle the tox load, be sure to check with a lawyer.
1:35 pm
February 22, 2010

Good points. Note that cows are fed about the same thing as people these days: we just eat our corn in more highly processed forms.
1:53 pm
June 5, 2011

This might not translate, but we have a store here in the UK called 'Marks & Spencer' - it is a high brow shop and a definite cut above even the best supermarkets. Anyway, I digress (which is not unusual for me) ...
Their meat is always considered really fine and I decided to check it out ...
While there are a number of really good points with the production of meat in the UK, such as no hormones and no antibiotics in M&S meat, the packet itself reads really well, "pastured ... grass fed ..." all that good stuff and then, finished for six weeks on grain. Noooooooooooooo!
Oh well ... back to my local farm shop.
Time for another e-mail campaign, I think.
I wonder, who has heard of Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall? See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Fearnley-Whittingstall - we're still fighting against the remaining nations in the EU who permit battery chickens (that's the UK and Poland) but I think he needs a new fight! Grass fed, clearly labelled and unadulterated. I think between him and M&S we might get a high street retailer to do this.
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