5:13 am
I'm sorry. Your post is not supported by studies or science. Vegetarians tend to have faster transit times than non-vegetarians, according to a study published in the “British Journal of Nutrition” in 1981. In this study, the distribution of transit times for non-vegetarians was between 31 hours and and 96 hours. The transit times for vegetarians ranged from 27 hours to 54 hours. The average transit time for the vegetarian group was nearly 24 hours faster than for non-vegetarians.
There is no fiber in meat and a diet without fiber is always associated with slower transit
times in the colon. Ask any gastroenterologist in the world. Plant foods are the only sources of fiber. Plus, fat found in meat takes longer to break down which sends signals to the brain to empty the gut slowly. Some basic biochemistry missing here. Ugh!
2:12 am
February 22, 2010

Citation, please. I'm not going to look through the entire 1981 archives of Br J Nutr to try and figure out what paper you meant.
More importantly, you are correct that meat takes longer to digest. That is a good thing!
1. When we eat meat, our stomach becomes more acidic, which causes all the food we eat to be digested more thoroughly.
2. Fat increases gastric emptying time, which also causes all the food we eat to be digested more thoroughly.
3. When our food is digested more slowly, it's absorbed more slowly and leaves us satiated for longer, decreasing our food intake. Example: a Quarter Pounder and a Jamba Juice have the same number of calories. Which will leave you satiated for longer?
4. Related: the glycemic index of carbohydrate is dramatically decreased by accompanying it with fat.
As a result of this longer and more acidic digestion, meat and its constituents are completely absorbed by the small intestine, unlike vegetables and grains. Therefore, there's nothing left to "rot in your colon"...
...and debunking that claim is the purpose of the article.
Finally, your fiber-worship is unwarranted. The only controlled study ever done on cereal fiber consumption (DART) found a 20% increase in all-cause mortality -- a result not termed "significant", perhaps because it wasn't what the researchers hoped to find!
Result: you get a point for posting a comment that's relevant -- minus a point for missing, well, the point of the article.
4:06 am
What about meat/fat correlation with cholesterol prosuction in your body?
1:34 pm
February 22, 2010

Our bodies produce over a gram of cholesterol per day, because it's a necessary nutrient, not a toxin. (It's the substrate for many different hormones, as well as a necessary component of the brain.) If we eat cholesterol, our body simply produces less of it.
“There’s no connection whatsoever between cholesterol in food and cholesterol in blood. And we’ve known that all along. Cholesterol in the diet doesn’t matter at all unless you happen to be a chicken or a rabbit.” -Ancel Keys, 1997
9:26 am
I like the way you continue to respond to everyone, and I really think its crucial you do.......
All my information, comes from bodily intuition, it didnt in my younger days, now however I look about 21 am 45, have many similar attributes in that I rarely and hardly ever pass gass, stools have a dare I say pleasant odor, and I actually eat very very little, maybe a small salad at most, I understand that if many dormant layers of dna are activated withing a human being, it allows them to naturally absorb vitamins and minerals literally from the air....food at its core, is a source for energy, energy that is naturally available in abundance....however human beings being disconnected from their spirit causes a kind of lack or energy deficiency, so they need outside sources to sustain themselves......many raw food vegans vegetarian etc, however holy they believe themselves to be are actually very mind orientated, and so lack that connection with spirit........as far as nutrition goes the rule is this, eat to your level of consciousness......ive seen meat make me throw up, ive seen salad make me sick, ive seen a carrot energizie my entire being, ive felt meat ground me when having a headache and feeling weak and out of body....
6:48 pm
February 22, 2010

Jay Ben:
Thank you! I do my best.
I'm not going to count on absorbing any nutrients out of the air, with the exception of oxygen. However, it is absolutely true that eating unprocessed, nutrient-dense foods leaves us sated without having to eat giant mountains of processed junk. As someone once pointed out, Doritos and Mountain Dew are vegan...
Our cells don't know what we're "supposed" to eat. But if we give them what they need, they function properly, and we can be as healthy and happy as our life circumstances permit.
7:11 pm
First of all, I enjoyed the article overall. So many buy into these dramatic and exaggerated claims and throw them in the face of others. I should also say that I am a vegetarian and I would agree that vegetarianism is similar to religion in the sense that it is often based upon a moral principle. Unfortunately many vegetarians do force their beliefs upon others as some religions do. I wouldn't say that vegetarianism is necessarily healthier and the argument behind these claims are often very weak. It's saddening that these biased and misrepresenting arguments are made by both sides.
The only issue I have with this is that you repeatedly say digestion is simple. Our digestive systems are anything but simple. New information on our bodies absorption and breakdown of nutrients is continuously being found. I'm sure you don't really mean that it's simple, the statement irked me though.
2:49 pm
I loved reading and appreciate the info posted on the digestive system , iv skipped through all the posts and have enjoyed the views people have on diet, however i came across this site as im desperately trying to control my stomach ache and wierd bowel movements. I really dont know what to eat anymore im due to have my first endoscopy in two weeks, after a year of feeling ill. Iv tried eating and eliminating foods but still im confused, i agree that veg and grains seem to rot in my body give off gas lots of it like a human compost machine , however meat seems to lay heavy in my stomach for days and i feel like my ribcage is expanding it hurts me for days, then theres the dairy milk eggs give me the runs quite bad the next day??? I cut out wheat n grains from cereal first as granolla made me feel ill. Yards of cloggy poo can come out in long flat strips r i have small nuggets covered in a fatty glue stuff, (sorry)I also have headaches daily, fatigue i can just go like that to sleep any time for like 2 hours each time usually after eating, pains in my legs , toothach regular, need to poo after everytime i eat sometimess its clear like egg white very rarely normal!!! HELP. What can i do what can i eat recent blood tests show low ferritin levels which are something to do with iron , to my knowledge is from green veg! Oh maybe i will just eat the rice krispies with lactose free milk thats about the only food my body can handle , has anyonde felt like this and if so have you got any advice on what to eat , i would really really appreciate any advice , cheers in advance and sorry for the discriotions on poo ! 🙁
10:53 pm
February 22, 2010

You are absolutely correct that the details of digestion are both complex and fascinating! However, I think it's possible to give people a good idea of what's going on without getting into the details of active transport, zonulin signaling, and so on.
I don't agree with the moral arguments for vegetarianism, but I respect your decision to abide by them.
First, note the disclaimer on my sidebar: I'm not a doctor and your health is your own responsibility.
That being said, if meat tends to sit heavy, you may have an insufficiency of stomach acid. Try taking a tbsp or two of apple cider vinegar with your meals. It comes in capsules if you can't endure the taste, although many of them are bunk (NOW is a good brand which I recommend).
From the sounds of things, you've got some gut dysbiosis. Vinegar is also good for killing bad bacteria in your gut, while the good bacteria either produce it or seem to survive it, so I recommend it for that reason also.
Fish is often easier to digest than meat for many people. Worth a try!
I like Norm Robillard's Fast Tract Digestion: IBS book: it's good at pinpointing the sorts of food that usually cause digestive problems, including many of the ones you've mentioned (grains, many veg). I know several people who have seen success from following its program of avoiding highly fermentable foods.
Low iron will solve itself if you can start tolerating red meat again. Also coffee and chocolate inhibit iron absorption, so that might be contributing to your problem if you eat/drink them with iron-containing foods.
There's more, but this will get you started. Hope it helps! Let us know how you get on.
12:36 pm
February 22, 2010

I just thought of another possible issue: zinc deficiency (and possible concomitant copper overload). You might try a zinc supplement, and possibly also some vitamin B6.
7:44 pm
"That being said, if meat tends to sit heavy, you may have an insufficiency of stomach acid."
I have experienced that exact thing. I was having some pain, bloating above my bellybutton (that was later confirmed to be sibo). GI doctor gave me a very high dose PPI which ground my digestion to a halt. I got severe muscle cramping and constipation .. I only took it for a couple of weeks but my digestion did not return to normal. My meal would just sit so heavy and within an hour I would get severe acid reflux. My gums burned from the acid. It didn't make any sense. I have since learned chronic high stomach acid is rare but people think if they have reflux it's high stomach acid. I read something that said you can test your stomach acid by drinking a baking soda solution first thing in the morning. If you belch excessively in a minute or so you may have high acid. I drank it and not one tiny little burp. I was refluxing from low acid causing the food to just sit. You also need a low Ph to cause the valve to close between your stomach and throat or you can reflux.
I went out and bought some betaine hcl and immediately the food moved and the reflux disappeared. I only took it for a little while as my digestion kicked back in. I'm sure vegetarians have chronic low stomach acid. Use it or lose it.
I later went and had the Heidelberg capsule test that some alternative docs still do to test your stomach acid. It showed my stomach acid recovered well after first bicarb challenge. Second challenge it struggled and third it couldn't. So 6 little meals a day or chronic snacking would stress my digestion. I digest a big breakfast well and leave plenty of recovery time till next meal. I also think most middle age people would benefit from ACV with meals.
5:27 pm
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6:05 pm
February 22, 2010

Thank you for the vote of confidence!
It's important to note that stomach acid is extremely acidic...so even if your stomach acid is insufficiently acidic to properly digest meat, it'll still sting badly when you burp it up. And you are correct that it's extremely rare to have too much stomach acid, and very common to have too little.
"You also need a low Ph to cause the valve to close between your stomach and throat or you can reflux."
I hadn't heard that before...do you have a reference for that? Because that would be another major contributor to GERD via modern industrial diets. That's also an interesting data point about repeated challenges causing problems.
"I also think most middle age people would benefit from ACV with meals."
I agree: and the worse your diet, the more benefit you'll generally see from it. If I've been eating dirty and get heartburn from it, ACV fixes it immediately.
10:58 pm
"The popular belief is that acid reflux is due to an excessive amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. New science has revealed that this is not the case. GERD is most often caused by too little hydrochloric acid being secreted by the stomach.
During digestion the stomach secretes acid to lower its pH to around 1.5-2.5 range. More protein in the meal results in a greater need for stomach acid. Individuals with non-obstructive acid reflux are often not able to get their pH low enough. The LES is known to be a pH sensitive valve that initiates closure when pH drops under 3.0. When the stomach does not have enough acid, the LES remains open and acid can spill into the esophageal region and damage the tissue."
12:55 am
Ummm...Are you familiar with the trichinosis you get from raw pork?
Poultry is full of salmonella and E.coli (absolutely cannot be eaten raw)
Leave any fresh-caught fish in the sun for a few hours and it will be crawling with all the worms that live in the flesh.
Game meat, such as deer, is now known to be in danger of infection by Chronic Wasting Disease (similar to Mad Cow Disease), as well as harboring parasites and worms.
Common sense dictates that, if you are going to eat meat, you REALLY ought to cook it!
Commercially raised red meat, especially beef is very high in saturated fats and cholesterol.
Even if wild, or "grass-fed" meat is of better quality than most, many of us who have family members in the business of butchering or otherwise preparing meat for market will tell you that meat is full of hormones and antibiotics that affect the growth and the health of the animals.
MANY animals are butchered AROUND the tumors and cancers and unknown growths, and then served in your homes.
And very few people who have ever witnessed the inhumane confinement and treatment of commercially raised poultry, beef, etc., are able to ever eat meat again.
Whether or not our bodies CAN digest meat is a moot point. Obviously it can.
I could make just the opposite argument with the shape of our teeth as evidence. We have mostly grinding molars. Check out the teeth of a dog or cat, then look at yours. No matter what argument is made for the workings of our gut, our teeth were made to grind, not shred.
The only point that matters to the spiritual health the human race is whether or not we can choose compassion as our first rule - for the mute and helpless creatures we kill(watch what happens if I say murder!)and eat. Watch a pride of lions or a gang of jackals tear up a carcass, and see if you feel proud of your ability to digest meat. Yum.
"Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD."
I am aware that I am wasting my time here; this sort of subject is much more about emotions and self-image than it is about health and knowledge, so those of you who are raring and snorting, ready to comment on my comment - please know that I will not be visiting this site again, so will never see your remarks.
(P.S. I'm not a vegan, fruitcake, way-out-in-left-field fanatic, or even a religious nut. I'm simply trying to follow a path that leads up instead of down. Best of luck to y'all, as well.)
11:52 am
i knew these comments were getting too close to a rational conversation.
also double posting = double truth!!!!!1omgffs!!!!!
12:51 pm
I've come to the conclusion that you're simply a psycho anti-vegan person. By the simple fact that you attempted to claim that humans can eat raw meat with no problem as in comparison to grains and beans is simply revolting and shows the extremity of your beliefs. While it is possible that you're right beans and ir grains in it's raw state can be hazardous to the body your point is irrelevant because a human with common sense wouldn't attempt to eat those hard things it'd break our teeth. That's why we don't eat them in its raw state because they're not edible poison has nothing to do with it. But why does meat that is edible in it's raw state always cooked? Food poisoning maybe? And how can you sit here and ridicule people of a certain group stating it's simply a religion if you are treating your dietary beliefs in the exact same fashion? You think your actions and thoughts are equal to those of average meat eaters? If you didn't treat your diet as a religion you wouldn't care what other people believe. Why do you give a f what we choose to do? It's not harming anyone or anything as in comparison to your diet which is nothing but harm caused physically (to animals) and environmentally. And your "research" proves nothing bc im 100% sure I can find research claiming the exact opposite. Your 100% beliefs in your research shows how ignorant you are and your idiotic followers who believe all you say. If you look for something you'll find it. Articles will go on and on refuting other scientists claims. It just depends the side you're on, you will only pay attention to the info that supports your way of life. What's not objectionable is the fact that vegetarians and vegans (who eat a well-balanced vegan diet) live longer than those who eat meat and that's all the proof you need. Both scientists who eat meat and who don't, all agree that a vegetarian diet is healthier, so no matter who's intestines colons or whatever can break down what at the end of the day the purpose is too live longer and for us vegs is to cause as little harm to other beings possible. And since most research proves vegetarians live longer your post is irrelevant. And why our beliefs if causing no harm to animals is of ridicule to you shows the extent of your madness in your beliefs. Live and let live. Now please go to the supermarket buy a raw steak covered in blood eat it and report back to me. Looney.
1:16 pm
And willowbard made a couple of notable points 1) those animals who eat meat are savage-like animals last time I checked humans were supposed to be "above" animals sophisticated animals but when it comes to meat "oh we're animals too so if they eat meat why shouldn't we" well i'm glad to know you like to be on the same level of the most classless animals lions, tigers, bears whether omnivores (bears) or carnivores they're wild animals. And 2) just because you have the ability to do something doesn't mean you should especially considering in today's day and age humans have evolved to a point we're you can easily and successfully live on a meat-free diet. But if you want to sit there and believe we are still meant ti eat as humans did in a time where humans weren't even civilized then please resort to the full ways of life for those humans don't pick and choose. Those human lived in caves we live in houses. They ate as they did out of survival and way of life. Time moved on, so you all should too.
1:44 am
February 22, 2010

I'm hoping to find a source more authoritative than a Natural News article, though it's certainly a plausible mechanism.
"While the possibility of human infection remains a concern, it is important to note there have been no verified cases of humans contracting CWD." It's also important to note that cooking does not inactivate the BSE prion, so even if CWD were human-transmissible, cooking probably won't help (only avoiding strongly affected tissues will).
Also, you'd better not tell the Inuit, Yupik, or even Icelanders that they're all dead from food poisoning, because fermented meat is definitely a thing. Look up, for instance, hakari. And you'd better shut down every sushi restaurant in the world.
Yes, I usually cook my meat...but I regularly enjoy beef tartare as well as sushi.
Most importantly, though, as I've stated over and over, starting with the BOLD-FACED WARNING ABOVE which I'll reprint here yet again:
1. The purpose of this article is to address one very specific topic: the claim that “meat rots in your colon”. Making the general case for veg*anism vs. omnivory is not only a non sequitur, it's beyond the scope of one article — and most certainly beyond the scope of a comment.
2. Please read, at the very least, my responses to comments before asking a question (or making a statement). I have previously replied to the moral argument at great length: bringing it up again says, to me, that you're not interested in productive dialogue and are just spouting off -- a fact you've verified by letting us all know that "I will not be visiting this site again, so will never see your remarks."
Yes, there are a lot of comments! Deal with it.
At least willowbard used paragraphs, so I actually believe him (?) when he says he's not a vegan. Unlike, for instance, our next contestant...
I need some paragraphs before I can start making sense of that mess. Based on my n=a couple dozen sample here, veganism leaves people:
1. unable to read giant, repeated BOLD-FACED WARNINGS
2. unable to resist moving the goalposts
3. unable to use the "enter" key
However, I will respond to a few little gems:
"your "research" proves nothing bc im 100% sure I can find research claiming the exact opposite."
Please do! Feel free to send it to me via the "Contact" link, or just post it here. Meanwhile, I'm sticking with basic physiology.
" i'm glad to know you like to be on the same level of the most classless animals lions, tigers, bears"
Hey, hey, hey, hey. Tigers are HELLA CLASSY. Just check out that gorgeous stripey outfit!
"Time moved on, so you all should too."
Yet our genome hasn't moved on -- because a few thousand years of agriculture is insignificant compared to our multi-million year history of hunting, killing, and eating animals. We can open this discussion again once people start dying of gluten deficiency.
6:33 am
"those animals who eat meat are savage-like animals last time I checked humans were supposed to be “above” animals sophisticated animals but when it comes to meat “oh we’re animals too so if they eat meat why shouldn’t we” well i’m glad to know you like to be on the same level of the most classless animals lions, tigers, bears whether omnivores (bears) or carnivores they’re wild animals."
they're wild/savage animals.
who just so happen NOT to commit genocide.
NOT to destroy vast swathes of the American countryside to grow the soybeans vegans/vegetarians need to eat
this list could go on for a long time....
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