8:27 am
Melissa said: "...animals die for our unnecessary pleasure to put their flesh in our mouths."
How much of the biosphere is set aside just for your fruit and vegetables?
Don't imagine for a moment that modern fruitarians aren't just as reliant on killing as Big Mac eaters. What would you do if you actually had to compete with other species for the fruit you claim is your birthright (instead of the competition being exterminated by farmers you rely on)? How much of the planet are YOU killing just by being 'civilized.'
You want to impose some kind of religious guilt on those of us who eat meat because we kill or pay those who kill for us? I charge that you are a sinner too. Perhaps you sin from ignorance. I don't know. Every bite you take requires the death of animals. Life requires death. That is nature's way. Be a part of the cycle of nature, however, and your 'sins' are forgiven. Be a part of 'civilized' culture, kill nature, and your sins remain.
You seem to be on the wrong website, Melissa. As far as I am aware, no one here is advocating factory farmed meat. If you would actually read THE GNOLL CREDO, you might understand what JS is all about. Or maybe not.
2:01 am
February 22, 2010
You raise some interesting points about dental health. It's instructive to note that Paleolithic hunter-gatherers didn't have toothbrushes, let alone fluoridated toothpaste...yet their teeth were far better than ours!
Your points about lifespan are well-taken, too. It seems that living to 100+ is mostly a matter of good genes: either you have them or you don't. And the single thing all centenarians seem to have in common is that none of them follow any sort of extreme diet or exercise regimen...it seems likely that stress is more damaging in the long term than the "life-shortening" behaviors we're stressing about.
That's a great joke! I'm going to steal it.
It looks like I have a new subject to debunk! I've seen many variants on that "humans are naturally vegetarians" list -- and they're all, shall we say, naive to biology and evolutionary history. For instance, the human stomach has a pH of 1.5-3, consistent with carnivory...not 4-5, as the table claims.
Also, the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" was proven long ago to be a hoax.
First, I'm not going to delete your comments this time...but I can tell by the formatting that you just cut-and-pasted them from elsewhere. If you do that again, you'll be the first commenter whose posts I'm forced to delete. Just link your sources -- or even better, if you don't have anything to contribute personally, please don't comment.
Moving ahead:
Our ancestors haven't been frugivorous since the Miocene. I lay out the archaeological evidence for our ancestors' diet in this series of articles (in progress).
Also, leaves are not "high in protein" by any measure. Whoever told you that is flat wrong, and you're likely protein-deficient as a result.
Finally, your links are very interesting, but they show that you've got cause and effect confused. As Satoshi Kanazawa said in the second article you linked:
Another evolutionarily novel value is vegetarianism. It is exceedingly unnatural for humans to be vegetarian.
Humans are naturally omnivorous. We are evolutionarily designed to eat both animal meat and plants. Anyone who eschewed animal protein and ate only vegetables in the ancestral environment, in the face of constant food scarcity and precariousness of its supply, was not likely to have survived long enough and stayed healthy enough to have left many offspring. So such a person is not likely to have become our ancestors. On the other hand, anyone who preferentially ate animal protein and fat in the ancestral environment would have been much more likely to live longer and stay healthier. They are therefore much more likely to have become our ancestors.
Vegetarianism would therefore be an evolutionarily novel value and lifestyle, as well as a luxury of abundance. The Hypothesis would predict that more intelligent individuals are more likely to choose to become a vegetarian than less intelligent individuals.
So: my contention is proved. Vegetarianism doesn't make you smart. Being smart (and omnivorous) is associated with later becoming vegetarian...but only if you live in the UK, not the US. This means that intelligence and vegetarianism have no causal relationship, and we're dealing with some sort of third factor. (And, therefore, that Kanazawa is most likely wrong.)
As for the rest, frankly, I'm unable to make it through massive bricks of text with no paragraph breaks. Can you include an executive summary?
Paul Halliday:
That's a great quote!
Just like there are people who can high-jump over 2 meters or run the 100 meter dash in under 10 seconds, there are people who can thrive on a fruitarian diet. However, they all seem to be endurance athletes who consume 5000+ kcal/day, thereby burning off the massive sugar load required to accumulate enough of the other nutrients to scrape by...
...meanwhile, the majority seem to experience physical and cognitive decline, including (as seen above) the propensity to post gigantic, rambling bricks of text with no paragraph breaks.
And you're absolutely correct: I've made the point many times that for a human to live, many other creatures have to die. The fruit we eat represents many other animals starving to death because they couldn't eat that same fruit...or the plants and animals which would have lived on the plantation if it hadn't been clearcut for bananas. Read the book "Banana" for a sobering history of what's required to bring us those sweet yellow sugar bombs.
I'm glad The Gnoll Credo spoke to you. Thanks for chipping in here.
7:49 am
Ok, Maybe I got caught up with a retort, commentating on the blind Idiocy of conventional socially programed thought, though I never did call anyone out personally, but the assumptions have caused a removal of my post. That's fine, wasn't much info there anyway. Now I do not mean to change the subject here, as you seem to say what ever it is you like, and since it is your page you can censor any bit of information you choose(get the Idea, yes I am calling you out)The Protocols of the wise men of Zion, has never been completely debunked, do your research and double check your sources(as I stated in a previous post)You must research a bit further then Wikipedia or the common propaganda censored sites easily accessed. I would love to list numerous sites that state contrary beliefs, but I will leave that to you as you appear to pick and choose your black and white world. There is no right and wrong, no good and bad; we as conscience Human beings either find efficiency in the way life progresses or we force such to exist, or inefficiency. One last remark, so as not to waste any more of your precious dubunking time. Please listen to a little bit of logic as it might incline you to focus on more progressive ideas and challenges.
Link to Youtube video: Carl Sagan: A fire Breathing, invisible, flying Dragon Lives in my Garage
I choose not to waste any more time chasing this fire breathing(meat eating) Dragon around, so if you want to continue to do so, that is your choice. Please do not state theories, hypothesis or unsubstantiated evidence as "FACT" without the proper research, that makes you just as guilty as the original ghosts of darkness or Inefficiency. Once again, please accept my apology for any remarks that you find to your assuming poor taste, as I rarely if at all eat Dead animals, and my previous retort is a reflection of my eating of such.
9:34 am
I made a mistake, I am fairly new to this comment board thing. Now I realize why I have strayed from such discussions. I apologize for my rush to claim of censorship as I had not seen my recent post. Also for the double post, as I had mentioned, this is fairly new to my approach of gathering information. Now, see how easy that was to admit fault. Most people are in infantile states when it comes to understanding life or even themselves; and establishing the ability to admit fault, has become a festering thorn in the side of humanity. I do not feel my time is being well spent attempting to share ideas on most of these comment boards, as most appear to be just biased religious and belief based rantings and twisted views. Not what to think, but how to create the ability to think with unbiased views appears to be lost. I can only have faith that Humankind wakes up from their slumber. Be Well
6:46 am
If meat doesn't rot in the GI tract, how come Cadaverine and Putrescine are produced from the breakdown of animal flesh by bacteria in the intestine by eating meat?
7:04 pm
Melissa, you have done all that you can do to bring light into the cave of the dead animal eaters, but they will resist the light. With the inability to reason due to the lack of proper nutrients, one can not expect them to comprehend. I like the quote: Don't waste your time throwing pearls to the pigs. They will call you names and state random idiocy, for the true lack of spirit, provably, caused from eating dead animals. Brain scans and modern technologies can now show the true responses in the brain so the logic of the modern dead animal eaters is currently being proven false. Now all that needs to be done is to have faith that truth, will be set free. And forgotten by most here, the U.S. is a Republic, not a Democracy and just because the majority believes what they are fed does not make the majority right to rule. There is so much here that connects itself to the life of this article, for anyone to insinuate that your information is not valid in this arena (oh, and starts reciting some religious socialized propaganda), is surely eating from an, Idiot producing food source. One may also consider that the truth you have shared, threatens those that do not take the proper actions as a living Human Being and are feeling the guilt and remorse in the lack of doing as such. Be Well, on/in your enlightened journey.
12:35 pm
aprile, have you been reading vegan propaganda? (sarcasm)
Cadaverine, aka 1,5-Diaminopentane
Putrescine, aka 1,4-Diaminobutane
These are simply chemical compounds. They are in fact synthesized by healthy living cells in the body. Both compounds are produced by the breakdown of amino acids in living and dead organisms. So, yes, the words that aprile used sound ugly and all that, but they are just words. Vegan propaganda capitalizes on scientific ignorance and, apparently, an orthorexic obsession with a 'clean' diet.
I do not doubt that 1,5-Diaminopentane and 1,4-Diaminobutane are produced by gut bacteria that get the leftovers of my pork dinner. I must say that my gut bacteria apparently get far less leftovers when I eat meat than when I eat plant matter from beans or kale. I believe that this was the whole point of J Stanton's article: If your digestive system is working properly, there's a whole lot less for your gut flora to work with when you eat meat than when you eat plants. So, unless your innards are sterile, something is always 'rotting' in your gut, whether it's the leftovers from bananas, beans, or pork shoulder roast.
I would like to add that my pork shoulder roast had already started rotting before I even cooked it. I think it improved the flavor a bit. Whether one calls it 'rot' or 'fermentation,' humans rely on bacterial decomposition to aid in digestion. This applies equally to plant and animal foods alike. When I used to eat wheat flour, I often made my own sourdough starter. I was using 'wild' microbes to rot a wet mass of powdered wheat berries. Sounds delicious, no?
3:56 pm
June 5, 2011
rawcr said:
... and forgotten by most here, the U.S. is a Republic, not a Democracy and just because the majority believes what they are fed does not make the majority right to rule.
Not forgotten ... of no interest whatsoever. Why would I concern myself with the politics of some country the other side of the world? Why would I concern myself with politics at all? Who cares?
I'm not scientific, but I can smell shit from a mile away. We have evolved to eat the way we do. We can choose to live a certain way because there are market structures around us that support that. To become natural vegans we would need an evolutionary change. Not an adaption, not choice, but an evolutionary change.
If all those social and market structures around us fall apart, I can kill a rabbit, deer, cow, pig, bison, other human and eat. Where would you get your tofu? It's not like it grows on trees - it's made in a factory. Same with all the other soya filth, TVP and other non-foods that grow in labs. I'd rather gnaw on the dry wall.
Now it's turning into a slanging match and use of emotive words. Tell you what, how about you vegans go over there and eat your whatever it is you eat and us meat eaters will sit over here and eat whatever it is we eat. There you go, issues sorted, resources shared and world peace achieved. Until we run out of meat and then we'll come and eat you. Mmmmm ... grass fed long pig.
Living in the Ice Age
5:52 am
More bias. No need to use scientific names, doesn't make you sound smart at all, just shows you can read a wikipedia page.
Fermentation is not the same as rotting. Fermentation by bacteria releases beneficial compounds, fatty acids and vitamins. Rotting releases harmful compounds, Cadaverine and Putrescine.
I wonder where carnists would get enough daily water without the tap.
Paleo diets make me laugh, so unrealistic.
9:01 am
Congratulations, aprile! You are quite correct. I did read Wikipedia. (And so, apparently, did you.)
You said, "Fermentation is not the same as rotting."
While in my previous posting I attempted to show the somewhat subjective nature of how we perceive decay, I will admit that you are also correct in this statement. There is a line that must be drawn between beneficial and harmful microbial activity. With respects to foodstuffs, whether plant or animal in origin, it seems that cultural preference dictates what is 'rotten' more often than not. However, there is a near universal repulsion among humans to feces.
As a meat eater, I must say that you are absolutely correct, aprile. My shit is rotten. I won't eat it. I will go on to point out, however, that I'm not full of it. Even with very little plant fiber in my diet, I'm very regular. My shit doesn't smell nearly as bad as it did back in the day when I downed 10 banana smoothies and lots of bean burritos.
These days my digestion is great. My elimination is great. Yes, the microbes are at work on the leftovers of my meat, making some 1,5-Diaminopentane and 1,4-Diaminobutane in the process. But I'm not eating my shit!
So, aprile, you eat just plants, yes? Do those plants rot or ferment in you colon? If you say that they ferment, will you eat your shit? I've read that vegan shit is full of vitamin B12. 😉
ps. Vegan diets are so unrealistic, they make me laugh.
6:19 am
Paul Halliday said:
Until we run out of meat and then we'll come and eat you. Mmmmm ... grass fed long pig.
Except that so many of them are eating soy, they're more like free-range-but-grain-fed meat. I try to avoid soy in my food's food - as if it passes through to chicken meat and chicken eggs to some extent it may do so in humans as well.
I can see that it's going to require a complex question and answer period before I kill any vegans for food. Perhaps a famous person promoting Tofu could start a hairstyle so those members could identify each other - I could then avoid the vegans that adopted that hairstyle. (I think I'm on to something!)
9:14 pm
I noticed the comment regarding colon irrigation. Colon irrigation is a very healthy way to mantain basic hygine and to take out the old mucus. And yes, there is lots of mucus in it. What comes out with irrigation is not just psyllium husk. I have done these colonics so many times that when people tell me that there is no such a thing as mucus, this makes me laugh. One can live in denial, but not for that long obviously. What comes out with irrigation after some time, are leather-like strings or hardened mucus plague, which has the shape of colon.
Regarding eating meat, it is perhaps healthy in small amount but not necessary. A small amount of eggs and fermented milk will satisfy our needs to animal substances. To eat meat in this age of abundance is simply unnecessary cruelty. It is true that long time ago, hungers were eating lots of meat, but they lived some an intense life that they were requiring a great deal of protein. In my opinion the decline in health after agricuture was introduced was caused not by eating less meat but due to intocuction of grains and beans.
2:44 am
There is one more thing. I really like this site and find many useful information. I did try to go vegan and it does not work. However, a balanced Vegetarian diet is an entirely different matter. The problem is that meat is addictive. When I stopped eating meat 20 years ago, it was really hard. Because it is addictive, it is difficult to argue with addiction or with those who hold for life into their piece of meat. Some guys here respond to non-flash-eating ideas pretty aggressively, or trying to joke in an very unintelligent way. What kind of joke it is a about eating other humans? This is not even funny, just 'high school funny', and we are trying here to esquire into scientific and philosophical truth of these matters. I hope this kind of energy will not be present anymore because is highly disrespectful and immediately discredits those who are behind it.
Regarding digestion of meat, the idea that it is rather easy to digest is very interesting. However, to pass out the meat we need fiber. Meat has no fiber. Meat eating creatures have a very short intestine and are very acidic, they get rid of it without fiber, we cant. So even those who eat meat, must eat plenty of fruits and veg, in fact more than vegetarians. If not, they will get constipated and sick in time.
9:10 am
Another typical example of brainwashed meat-eaters who try to “justify” eating meat and animal products and thus destroying their health, the animals and the planet, only for the taste and out of greed and selfishness. And those “copy-paste” shits that you are using from somewhere in your desperate attempt to “prove” something are ridiculous and laughable.
Firstly, the rotting problem. Of course that is meat (and secondly cheese) that is rotting inside your intestines, not grains, beans and vegetables (on my, how much will you embarrass yourself further with these idiotic statements that come out of your stomach and not from your brain??). Meat is rotting inside human intestines, because human intestines are very long, like the ones of the animals who don’t eat meat, appropriate for plant-based food, totally inappropriate for meat-eating, meat being an unnatural food to humans. Human anatomy is entirely vegetarian. Also meat has NO fiber, very important nutrient that is essential for digestion and for good health. Animals who are naturally designed to consume meat have very short intestines, to push the rotting meat very quickly out of the body. A normal human digestion takes maximum 2 hours, which is the case for all vegan foods. Meat especially and other animal products is digested by the human body in minimum 6 hours, with over 12 hours being very common. This is why as a meat-eater you have so many problems in taking a shit, because you eat something that your body can’t digest properly, it is not natural for your intestines. And this is why millions of people (including my mother) get constantly colon cancer and all other intestine-related diseases. So please cut the crap, it stinks (like rotten meat into your colon!)
Even the simple statement „beans, grains and vegetables are rotting...” is idiotic, since no vegan (plant-based) food rotts, but can only ferment. Rotting is an exclusive „attribute” of meat and animal products. So don’t start to make philosophies where it is not the case and stop searching for the needle in the haystack, that’s a clear fact.
(Non-junk food) vegan is the healthiest by far and it is the most and only natural way of eating for humans. The incidences of ALL serious diseases (cancers, strokes, heart-attacks, osteoporosis, diabetes, obesity/overweight, internal organ failures etc.) is huge in meat-eaters and it is minimal in vegans or near-vegans. Vegans and vegetarians live longer, 10-12 average extra years of life, and having superior life quality at older ages. Doctors like Colin Campbell , Caldwell Esselstyn, Neal Barnard, John McDougall, Dean Ornish, Joel Fuhrman are constantly reversing many types of those diseases only with nutrition, going from animal-based to plant-based. What do you want more of a proof? And that is only logical. Have you ever heard somebody having a stroke from broccoli, pasta, rice or bananas? Heart-attack from nuts, veggies and grains? Overweight from fruits, beans, salads or sprouts? It is a no-brainer! All, the time the reported cause for ALL those disease is the same: cholesterol, animal saturated fats and animal protein, doubled by the toxines, hormones and antibiotics found automatically in the dead corpses of massacred animals. My mom herself beat the 4th stage colon cancer (developed when she was a meat-eater, because, surprise! it was MEAT that rot in the colon and gave her the tumor) by going vegan. Before, she was all the time constipated and having a super rough time in taking a shit, after going vegan she has perfect and easy digestion with no constipations and no more problems. There are millions like her and millions of people who beat all the above diseases by going vegan. Do you know people who beat cancer, strokes, scheduled by-pass operations, obesity etc. by starting to eat meat and dairy? 😉 See the following documentaries to inform yourself and stop the bull-shits: „Forks over knives” (by doctors Colin Campbell and Caldwell Esselstyn), „A diet for all reasons/ Foods that kill” (by doctor Michael Klaper), „Eating” and „Healing cancer from inside out” (by Mike Anderson) and all conferences of the above meantioned doctors. You can find the documentaries easily, but for who is interested you can find all of them in one place, I gathered them all and many others on my informative site, here:
Btw, only doctors who strongly inform themselves about nutrition know something about it, and know that nutrition is the strongest weapon in preventing and healing/reversing diseases. The vast majority of doctors knows nothing about nutrition, because this topic is NOT studied in the medical school, they know and learn only how to stuff your ass with non-effective pills and to schedule you for not-always-needed surgeries. Read the „China Study” book, the most comprehensive study ever conducted on nutrition, and other books like „Eat to live”, “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease: the revolutionary, scientifically proven, nutrition-based cure”, „Healthy Eating, Healthy World: Unleashing the Power of Plant-Based Nutrition”, “The Protein Myth: Significantly reducing the Risk of Cancer, Heart Disease, Stoke and Diabetes while Saving the Animals and the Planet” and all the written work of the above-mentioned doctors.
Paleo or Atkins diets are laughable, non-realistic (congrats Aprile!) and non-effective. Stinky lies that don’t ever work in a healthy way, you will get only fatter again and sick. Atkins himself was an obese charlatan with heart diseases and hypertension, and such a guy wanted to give advices about losing weight, having a healthy heart and being healthy? 😉 The solution: just eat vegan and exercise a little bit. The early humans were gathering vegetarians and they thrived on that food. Only later, at some point, that HAD to hunt, only when they couldn’t find enough vegetarian food to gather. In that moment, they could either hunt or starve, so they did it not because they wanted or liked it, but in order to survive, nothing more. In the do or die scenario, you don’t think health or ethics anymore and you eat anything if you want to survive. But today, due to evolution, such a scenario does not exist anymore, since you can find enough vegan food anytime, anywhere and it is time to think health and ethics. If you will remain alone on a deserted island or something and you can’t find vegan food, go ahead and hunt to survive, because it is a survival scenario. But when you are not in such a scenario, and 99,99% of us aren’t and won’t ever be, eat what is natural, healthy, optimal and ethical, and that is vegan food. Trying to mimick the behaviour of some not-evolved humans, who anyway did that ONLY because they were obliged and forced by those conditions, is stupid and idiotic. You may as well go and live in caves, you Paleo (or Atkins) freaks...
Secondly, the human anatomy. You say (!) „humans are primarily carnivorous...”. Are you serious, dude?? Is it the greed and meat-addiction in you speaking or what? You have then NOT EVEN basic information of the human anatomy. So wake up:
- It is a clear and obvious fact that humans and vegan animals have flattened nails or the equivalent (blunt hooves), whereas meat-eating animals have sharp claws.
- It is a clear and obvious fact that humans and vegan animals have long intestines (10 to 13 times body length) whereas meat-eating animals have short ones (3 to 6 times body length).
- It is a clear and obvious fact that humans and vegan animals have long, complex colon whereas meat-eating animals have simple, short colon.
- It is a clear and obvious fact that humans and vegan animals have extensive chewing whereas meat-eating animals don’t chew, but directly swallow food.
-It is a clear and obvious fact that humans and vegan animals have: broad, flattened and spade shaped incisors; short and blunted canines (yes, the majority of vegan animals HAVE canines, short and blunted, like humans, for biting into hard food like apples, quinces, nuts and others) and flattened with nodular cusps molars; whereas meat-eating animals have short and pointed incisors; long, sharp and curved canines (yes, those are canines for meat, for tearing the flesh, not what you have, just look in the mouth of a meat-eating animal to see how canines for meat look like) and Sharp, jagged and blade shaped molars.
- It is a clear and obvious fact that humans and the majority of vegan animals have small mouth opening vs. head size whereas meat-eating animals have large mouth opening vs. head size.
- It is a clear and obvious fact that humans and vegan animals have also side to side jaw motion whereas meat-eating animals have only up-down jaw motion.
- It is a clear and obvious fact that humans and vegan animals have carbohydrate digesting enzymes whereas meat-eating animals have no carbohydrate digesting enzymes.
- It is a clear and obvious fact that humans and vegan animals have well-developed facial muscles, whereas meat-eating animals have reduced facial muscles; jaw type is expanded angle for humans and vegan animals, whereas is angle not expanded for the meat-eating animals; major jaw muscles: Masseter and Pterygoids for the humans and vegan animals, whereas meat-eating animals have the Temporalis as the major jaw muscle.
- It is a clear and obvious fact that humans and vegan animals have a stomach acidity of pH 4 to 5 with food in stomach, whereas meat-eating animals have a stomach acidity of less than or equal to pH 1 with food in stomach; stomach capacity: humans and vegan animals have less than 30% of total volume of digestive tract, whereas meat-eating animals have 60% to 70% of total volume of digestive tract.
- It is a clear and obvious fact that humans and vegan animals are naturally repulsed and horrified by seeing blood, intestines, bones etc., whereas meat-eating animals are naturally atracted to that.
Do you drool when you see blood, raw bones and intestines and the smell of those makes you drool? Guess not. Well, the animals naturally designed to eat meat do, so please... animals naturally designed to eat meat need no weapons to hunt, and they eat the meat entirely, no exceptions, brains, tails, bones, blood and everything. The fake „meat-eaters”, the humans who try to be what they are not designed to be must use invented weapons to hunt, because they can’t otherwise, they must cook, spice and change the taste and image of meat, and remove most parts of a corpse, because they aren’t unable to eat it otherwise.
Another type of human instincts: take any baby that still have intact natural instincts, not old enough to have them spoiled and manipulated by the uninformed adults surrounding him. Put some animals in front of him: pig, calf, dog, cat, hen, sheep etc. Natural instinct? He will pet them, play with them, love them, so that’s the instinct of a vegan being. A natural meat-eater would have the direct instinct to jump towards those animals, the instinct to kill. Put a tray full of various foods in front of the same baby: fruits, biscuits, grains, legumes, veggies, seeds etc. and randomly on the same tray, anywhere, a piece of meat. Through natural instinct, no baby will choose the meat, but a vegan, plant-based food. The majority of babies refuse meat, and that is only natural, and they eat it only because they are threatened by adults or a reward is promised if they eat that. Children artificially learn the taste of meat and animal products only after being force-fed with them at an age where they can’t oppose this unnnatural eating. Only after being force-fed with them, the brain wrongly learns the smell and taste of meat and animal products.
And to have another eloquent example: take the Eskimo people (as being mainly carnivors) and take the Shaolin or Tao monks (as being mainly vegan). Eskimos have an average lifespan of under 30 years of age, and they look like 80 when they are 25. They look like shit and that is because of their diet, lacking antioxidants which are an exclusive trait of vegan foods. On the other hand, the monks known little to no disease, average lifespan of over 85 with many monks constantly reaching 95-100 years of age, and practicing martial arts at a high lever well after reaching 80-90 years of age. That summs it all. So yes, dude, seems like the human beings are carnivors, right 😉 I wonder how much will you embarass yourself further...
Should i continue? I think i made my point and i think it is time that you recognize obvious facts, even if they don’t suit you or your addiction to meat. Humans have the ability to digest small amounts of meat, only to ensure survival in the worst-case scenarios where they don’t find plant-based food. But humans don’t have the obligation to eat that meat when they are not in such a scenario.You are a plant-eater, designed and born as one, so do yourself a favor and eat what is natural for you, be vegan. It is the most ethical, healthy and protective way of eating.
Farting is caused by animal-products, meat, dairy (mainly cheese) and eggs. From the vegan foods, neither one of fresh grains, fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, some legumes, sea-weeds and sprouts don’t provoke farting. Only some beans can do that, and it is not from rotting, it is from inhibitors. If those are soaked and cooked well, there will be no problem and no farting.
Vegan food is the healthiest and gives you everything your body needs, a complete, healthy, cruelty-free, nutritional package. Beans, soy, peas, chickpeas, lentils, nuts and nut butters, seeds, oats, grains, bread, spirulina and all algaes, tofu, tempeh, seitan, sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, all veggies, fruits, potatoes, rice have plenty of healty vegan protein, carbs (the energy for the body and for the brain), fiber, vitamins, minerals, healthy unsaturated fats, antioxidants and phytonutrients.
In opposite, meat is devoid of all essential nutrients: has NO carbs (so no energy for the body and brain; human body and brain are fueled by carbs), NO fiber, NO antioxidants, NO phytonutrents, only traces of some vitamins and minerals, unhealthy animal protein, unhealthy animal saturated fats, cholesterol, toxins, hormones, antibiotics and many other shits who are the cause of every major disease around, without exceptions.
Thirdly, veganism saves animals, because you decrease the demand for their flesh and their products. With every person that stops paying for their slaughter, the demand goes down and a certain number of animals are saved. Animals are gentle, innocent, defenseless beings, who did you no harm, and nobody has the right to enslave, torture and slaughter them, because you have plenty of delicious, healthy, accesible, economical, non-cruelty food around. Animals have the right to live their life free from pain, terror and suffering, and nobody should take this right away from them because of greed, taste or tradition. If you want to live free from pain, terror and suffering, then also leave the animals to do the same. Animals give you always nothing but love and goodness, so at least you can do is return them the favor and NOT put a knife in their throat.
Lastly, meat-eating destroys nature and promotes global hunger. Globally, up to 70% of the grains and up to 50% of the water goes to the animals raised for meat, milk and eggs, and if directed towards starving people, everyone would have something to eat and drink. All the residues, toxins and chemicals from the animal industry goes into the water, air and into the ground. Deforestation is caused mainly by the „necessity” of forcing new pastures for the animals, because the natural ones are long time worn-out. Global warming: the main cause of it is again animal industry, much more than what comes in second (ALL the cars, planes, ships, trains etc. of the planet). You already have even a UN report from 2010 here, urging everyone to adopt a vegan diet, so not much to debate on this issues.
With all this being said, it is more than clear that a plant-based diet is optimal for everything, health, animals, planet, respecting human anatomy, global hunger etc. You addicted meat-eaters have no arguments for eating animal products, it is again only greed, tradition and gluttony, so please come clean on that. If at least you would be sincere and honest about it and admit that is like this. But no, you try all the time to invent „arguments” that you „must” behave like that, and these lies and bull-shits are just disgusting, who do you think you are fooling? Almost everybody was lied and misinformed by the meat and dairy industry, and that is acceptable, what is unacceptable is not to change when you have the true and accurate information that points you to the best diet, for this nobody has an excuse. So when you will get your cancer, stroke, heart-attack, osteoporosis, diabetes, overweight, organ failure or allergies etc., or when you will have the toughest time of your life staying hours on the WC trying to shit, please remember that is from your diet, and it is not „fate”, „age”,„stress” or other lies that people invent.
This website is a disgrace, full only of fake, biased and copied information, in a desperate try to „justify” the slaughter of animals, the destruction of the environment and of the health. I would put an end to this website if I were you. It is time to start using your brains more than your lust and stomach, and it is time to stop being SO brainwashed...
11:04 am
June 5, 2011
Yawn ... who cares? I got to about the third word and gave up. I'm simply not interested, nor is anyone here. We've been there, done that, others who have not won't be bothering.
Vegan opinion is of no interest or consequence to anyone here. You're wasting your time. Worse, you're turning people's minds in quite the opposite direction.
Living in the Ice Age
7:20 am
September 20, 2012
This reminds me of the street preacher, all fire and brimstone and whatnot, preaching to try to save all of us who were entering the alternative fashion/leather shop. He was there every weekend.
He was pretty entertaining to watch for awhile. I suspect he found us interesting and intriguing and had no other way to engage with us other than to talk at us and pray pray pray for some negative attention to be shown to him.
1:12 pm
February 22, 2010
Cadaverine is formed by decarboxylation of the amino acid lysine, an essential amino acid -- which is, by definition, found in the diet of anyone who is alive. As such, cadaverine is produced by everyone in very small amounts.
(Fun fact: grain proteins are deficient in lysine and methionine, which is why they can't support human life on their own. Thus the necessity of "protein combining" for vegans: animal products, with the exception of gelatin, all contain complete proteins.)
Putrescine is formed by decarboxylation of the non-protein amino acid ornithine, produced from arginine as part of the urea cycle. Anyone who is alive is continually producing ornithine...and as it's a non-protein amino acid, it's not found in meat, either!
(Think about it for a minute: horses, deer, and cattle are all vegetarians, but their corpses still stink.)
I'm certainly not going to claim my own s--t doesn't stink...but it stinks a lot less without beans and grains in my diet. Raffinose (the indigestible sugar found in beans) is the typical offender...but grain proteins are poorly digested and absorbed (unlike meat), and other FODMAPs (complex sugars found in vegetables and beans) cause problems for many.
Science is fascinating!
I know that most vegan forums -- particularly raw vegan forums -- are very tightly censored moderated in order to prevent inconvenient facts like "humans digest meat perfectly and have been doing so for millions of years" from reaching their readership. That's not what I do -- and I don't appreciate insinuations to the contrary.
Additionally, using Carl Sagan to justify belief in the authenticity of a document clearly "appropriated" from multiple existing sources of the time is a terrible insult to the memory of Carl Sagan. (Note: Given the vagueness of the Protocols, it can be read as a general "how-to" propaganda manual whose techniques have been used throughout history...but if that's what you're interested in, you'll be much better served by reading, say, Jacques Ellul.)
Finally, don't fool yourself that you're "bringing the light" to the uninformed. I've been a vegetarian, and I spent many more years believing the propaganda. gnolls.org is the product of years of careful research and experimentation.
Again, I know it's disconcerting to venture outside the heavily censored bubble of vegan websites (and their propaganda tomes)...but there's a whole world of science out here, and it has no need to make anyone feel good -- or bad -- about their personal choices.
As gnolls, we can make cannibalism jokes...but you should know that most vegans have no sense of humor at all!
Your point about evolution is well taken, however. It's possible to argue that humans should make ourselves into natural vegans...but as things stand, we're omnivores selected for our ability to hunt, kill, and eat animals. And, frankly, I'd rather be part of a hyena clan than part of the wildebeest herd they're preying on.
E Craig:
An excellent point. Unfortunately the humans who eat a healthy diet tend to be wily, lean, and difficult to catch! It's the ones living on birdseed that tend to fall behind the herd and get eaten.
"Fermentation" is a moral judgment: it's anaerobic decomposition that produces a result desirable to us (i.e. production of alcohol, 'aging' of meat). If we don't like the result, we call anaerobic decomposition "rotting".
My point is that except in pathological cases, meat is completely digested before it reaches the colon, leaving nothing to "ferment" or "rot"...whereas vegetables and beans are always partially comprised of indigestible polysaccharides, and will always "ferment" or "rot" to some extent. (As will grains, which contain indigestible proteins in addition to 'fiber' and the odd FODMAP.)
More soon!
2:02 pm
February 22, 2010
Of course there's mucus when you "irrigate" your colon: it forms the protective lining of your intestine. Peeling it off through the abrasive action of indigestible fiber, laxatives, and high-pressure water is a BAD IDEA, because it leaves your gut permeable to toxins and infection until the mucus can be replaced.
Mucus is very important! It does important things, like keeping solid particles out of your lungs and stopping stomach acid from eating through your body. (Not to mention making sex possible.) The idea that it's a pollutant is, quite frankly, pseudoscientific Victorian-era bunk.
Yes, meat is 'addictive' in the same way water is 'addictive'. If you don't want to drink water, you had better drink a lot of liquids that contain mostly water, or you'll die. Same with meat: if you don't want to eat meat, you had better eat a lot of foods that contain the same nutrients, or you'll die.
So yes, humans are addicted to meat. That's been the case for at least 3.4 million years, and probably longer.
"However, to pass out the meat we need fiber. Meat has no fiber. Meat eating creatures have a very short intestine and are very acidic, they get rid of it without fiber, we cant. So even those who eat meat, must eat plenty of fruits and veg, in fact more than vegetarians. If not, they will get constipated and sick in time."
Really? Someone should tell the Inuit and Yupik. (As well as Lex Rooker, Owsley Stanley, Buckminster Fuller...)
Yes, that's a load of bosh: you're just restating the myth I already debunked in this article. Meat is completely digested (modulo the odd piece of gristle) in the small intestine...as it doesn't reach the colon, there's nothing left to pass! The only reason to eat a whole bunch of indigestible fiber is because you enjoy sitting on the toilet...
...and the only reason to get your colon "irrigated" is because you enjoy enemas. NTTIAWWT, but it's not good to be so harsh with them that you remove your own intestinal mucus!
If those facts are so clear and obvious, perhaps you can point me to some peer-reviewed sources for them?
Paul, E Craig:
I like the street preacher analogy...most likely because veg*anism is religious in origin and in practice, even if its modern practitioners don't realize that!
2:13 pm
June 5, 2011
Paul Jaminet is very clear on the function, purpose and importance of mucus throughout the digestive tract, first, and body as a whole. Simple starches are very useful for this. I intend to catch a copy of his revised book shortly.
I'm interested in whether mucus is encouraged by animal protein. Roots, love 'em, eat lots of them.
Living in the Ice Age
9:29 pm
with all the respect, if you google the photos of the old hardened mucus that comes with colemas, not enemas because enemas introduce only very little water into the rectum, i am sure you will not wish to have this stuff inside. the function of a healthy colon is to create mucus and then to release it. when we eat toxic food, the releasing is not happening and the mucus gets accumulated and hardened preventing absorption of nutrients. there is report of one surgeon who said that after doing 2000 operations, he did not see even one normal colon, they are all deformed by old mucus. people have many kg of that stuff inside. as far as i remember they found 40kg of old mucus in Elvis Presley. this is simply a fact and since your approach is scientific, perhaps there is something for you to explore in this area.
not all the meat gets digested in the small intestine, or else meat eating animals would not need to make poop.
regarding enjoying colemas, there is nothing wrong with enjoying it in a healthy way, because they are very healing emotionally as well. after all it is in the anus that most people hold many issues of self-control...etc
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