• Your life and health are your own responsibility.
• Your decisions to act (or not act) based on information or advice anyone provides you—including me—are your own responsibility.


On Writing: Making a Point vs. Telling a Story

From an offline discussion about my novel The Gnoll Credo:

“There’s a lot to be found in very few words inside The Gnoll Credo—and that is precisely because I didn’t set out to write something deep or profound. I simply wrote down everything I knew about Gryka’s life, and how knowing her affected [ . . . ]

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Physical Fitness: Who Cares? Answer: Because Being Fat Makes You Depressed, and Being Depressed Makes You Fat

Obesity and depression are strongly linked. (The quoted study can be found here.)

“Obesity, Luppino and colleagues found, increases the risk of depression in initially non-depressed individuals by 55 percent and depression increases the risk of obesity in initially normal-weight individuals by 58 percent.” […] [ . . . ]

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Rugby, Macrame, and Monster Suits


“I’ve read many fantasy novels containing non-human societies. Usually the descriptions are simply unworkable: ‘Who feeds all these warriors ?’ often comes to mind. Of the remainder, most authors seem to concentrate on the details of the power structure, with a sidelong mention of one sport and one artistic or craft skill to typify [ . . . ]

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