• Your life and health are your own responsibility.
• Your decisions to act (or not act) based on information or advice anyone provides you—including me—are your own responsibility.


Fall Colors, And A Temporary Pause In The Action

The aspens peaked this past weekend. Unlike last year, when storms blew away the leaves as soon as they turned, we had a succession of freezing nights with little wind.

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Wildflower Riot! And The State Of The Paleo Community

While city dwellers were rioting in the UK, the wildflowers were rioting in the Sierras. Though it arrived in late August, over a month late, we had a truly astounding wildflower season this summer.

Wildflower Riot!

In the High Sierra, there’s not much summer in which to bloom…and what with the [ . . . ]

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Real Food Is Not Fungible: How Commoditization Eliminates Nutrition, Impoverishes Farmers, and Destroys The Earth

This article should, by rights, be an entire book: the consequences of agricultural commoditization are profound and far-reaching. By necessity, I am concentrating on a few key points.

Where’s The Real Food?

One of the largest movements in 20th century agriculture was the commoditization of food.

In 1900, 41% of the US workforce was [ . . . ]

Continue reading “Real Food Is Not Fungible: How Commoditization Eliminates Nutrition, Impoverishes Farmers, and Destroys The Earth”